Beloved French cartoonists Lewis Trondheim and Nicolas K ramidas (Donald's Happiest Adventures) return for another epic saga sending Mickey and Donald on the Beagle Boys' globetrotting trail! When Peg Leg Pete and the Beagle Boys shrink and steal Scrooge McDuck's Money Bin, Mickey and Donald must track them down... across lost cities, ancient lands, under the sea, in the air, and...into space?!? In a hilarious satire that will entertain all ages, Mickey's Craziest Adventures introduces its epic tale as if it were a rare 1965 Disney classic, deemed too wild for publication and saved only in fragments - but in fact, modern comics masters Lewis Trondheim and Nicolas K ramidas have created an exciting all-new album-length stand-alone Disney thriller, drawn in a kinetic indie-comics style and presented like a classic vintage work, hiding the fact that it's actually shamelessly spoofing Silver Age comics clich s! Lewis Trondheim, one of the co-founders of the comics collective L'Association, lives and works in Montpellier, France. Nicolas K ramidas studied animation at the Gobelins School of Images, then went on to nine years of animation work at Disney's Montreuil studio.